Analysis of Ideology in Public Policies (Case Study: Ministry of Science, Research and Technolog)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. student of public policy, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor, Faculty of Governance, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



There are always ideas or pseudo-sciences with high certainty in the minds of policymakers, which win due to their certainty, value-orientedness and high speed in mobilizing public opinion to achieve action in the competition with objective evidence and science. They turn considering the importance of these ideas, the researchers in this research have to focus on the ratio of ideologies on the policy making process in the field of higher education. The main field of reproduction of ideologies are educational policies, which are effective in the fields of general education, education and higher education. Among these, researchers, while systematically studying ideology in policy-making and designing a framework for the analysis of ideology in the field of policy-making in the field of higher education, analyzed the approved and communicated policies of the main higher policy-making institutions in The field of higher education, i.e. the Islamic Council and the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, and finally two ideologies of Islamism and managerialism were extracted in these policies. These two ideologies have caused powerful currents during the post-war periods imposed in the policy making in the field of higher education in all periods of the parliament and the government, and their analysis was extracted and presented.
For a long time, the role of actors, institutions, interests and ideas have been identified and investigated as background elements in policy making (Howlett & et al, 2009: 1). Among various ideas, according to Goldstein and Kohin, at least three categories of ideas are related to policy-making: world-view or ideologies, main beliefs and causal ideas. These ideas can serve as a "road map" for policy making, define the problem, influence strategic interactions between policy actors, and limit policy options (Howlett & et al, 2009:97). In the very first stages of policy making, identification and definition of a problem, there can be an error known as the third type error, whose primary causes are belief in a worldview and ideology or a false myth to conceptualize the situation of a It is a problem (Danaei Fard et al., 1401: 6).
It can be expected that by identifying explicit or implicit ideas, ideas, patterns or worldviews of policymakers and their different works, the analyst can conduct a realistic analysis by intercepting the deviant currents of his or his colleagues' minds. It deals with the issues and flow of policy making, and in this way, it is possible to understand why sometimes the policy makers unconsciously and inevitably leave the real issues of the society and deal with the issues that they think are important.
Policy-making in the field of higher education in recent years is faced with various currents such as monetization of education, flood of graduates and high unemployment rate, dissatisfaction of the country's officials with the state of students' religiosity, a wave of student protests, degree orientation, lack of success There has been an expectation in the localization of humanities after the Islamic revolution and the lack of dissatisfaction of students with the course content (Dahaghani et al., 1390:16) and the like. Analyzing the way policy makers understand, direct and respond to issues in this area can be effective in identifying more suitable solutions in the future, in addition to knowing the reasons for not realizing the goals of policy makers.
In this regard, despite the identification of the role of ideologies in the policy-making process, ideology in Iran has always attracted the attention of thinkers and researchers of political sciences, sociology and educational sciences and in fields such as foreign policy, political parties and the education system. has been up to management thinkers.
In this research, the researchers seek to explain the role of ideology in the policy-making process in the field of higher education. For this purpose, along with a systematic review of the literature using the content analysis method, to analyze the approved policies of this field in the post-revolution periods in terms of policy trends in the field of higher education and the role of ideology in formulating this Approved policies have been paid.
Case study
ministry of science, research and technology and
Materials and Methods: The overall design of this research is based on the qualitative exploratory methodology, and based on that, the objectives, sampling and data collection have been conducted. In this research, using the content analysis method, an attempt is made to extract key ideoogies related to the research topic. In the first stage, the studies of this field are studied using the systematic study method and finally a framework was designed to conduct the research. The statistical population includes all policies that is enacted in the field of higher education by legislative institutions of Iran. These policies include the approvals of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution from the time of its establishment until 1402 in the field of the higher education system, as well as the most important policies approved by the Islamic Council after the Islamic Revolution.
The method of sampeling was judge sampeling and finally, two ideologies of Islamism and managerialism were extracted in these policies. These two ideologies were identified with the sub-components of transformation in humanities, Islamization of universities, as well as monetization and privatization of higher education that these findings were approved by some experts of this field.
Discussion and Results
Regarding the ideology of the Islamic Revolution or Islamism, it can be expected that this ideology will follow its reproduction process in the transformation of scientific institutions. Therefore, with the victory of the Islamic revolution, human sciences were given attention. The agents of the revolution were of the belief that it is necessary that the foundations of human sciences be re-evaluated based on authentic Islamic sources and cleansed of the cultural and ideological elements of the West. As can be seen, various policies were adopted to achieve this goal.
The main function of ideology in entering the policy flow is to define in groups and out groups. After that, these people and groups entered the cycle of agenda setting in the policy-making institutions and finally proceed to advance their goals and ideological values in these proposed policies. It is not the case that all the goals and values considered by the actors will be approved by these institutions. Depending on the monopoly or competition of the policy space of these institutions, the changes in the policy proposals are from little to much.
According to the analyzed policy trends, the approvals of the two supreme policy-making bodies of the two ideologies of Islamism and managerialism can be traced. These two ideologies have always had a policy effect with the central values of Islamization of universities and monetization of higher education in the governments after the war, imposed both in the Islamic Council and in the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, and had obvious implementation consequences, which in the statistics of the official institutions of this field of expansion of paid higher education has been clearly reported in the past years.
The analysis of policy documents extracted from the period after the Islamic Revolution of Iran to 1402 in the field of higher education shows that the two ideologies of Islamism and managerialism have always had serious effects on the definition of guiding ideas for solving problems in this field. In other words, the developers of policies in the form of laws in the main legislative and policy-making institutions have considered the solution to the problems of this field either in the expansion of Islamic values in universities or market values. Although in this research, only the phase of policies formulation was discussed, but the empirical evidences provided by the centers that provide relevant statistics show that the implementation of these policies is completely in line with these documents.


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