Important points before submitting an article:
Dear Author(s),
Please read the manual carefully and observe all items, especially the underlined ones.
If the guidelines are not considered, the article will not be accepted.
All academic and non-university scholars who have scientific research articles are required to submit their articles to the journal's website address for review and publication, taking into account acceptance conditions.
1. Paper structure
- The first page of the article: includes the full title of the article, the name of the author or authors (the name of the correspondence author is marked with an asterisk), the scientific rank, and the name of the institution or university or place of employment, the full address of the corresponding author including the postal address, phone, and fax numbers, e-mail address (the e-mail address of authors must be an institutional e-mail address, for example, end with,, or edu extension).
- The second page of the article: The title and abstract of the article, including the subject of the article, the research method and the main findings (about 200 words), and the keywords (maximum 5 words).
- The third page to the end of the article: includes an introduction; theoretical framework and research literature review; research questions and hypotheses; research methodology including research method, data gathering tool, data analysis techniques, the definition of the studied variables and their operational definitions, statistical population, sample size, and sampling method; findings and comparing them with the findings of other researches and theories; conclusions (the summary of results and suggestions), the list of resources.
2. References:
Resources list (at first, Persian and then foreign resources) should be presented on a standalone page, according to the following pattern:
- Compiled book: author’s surname, first name (year of publication), title of the book (edition version), place of publication, and publisher's name.
- Translated book: author’s surname, first name, (date of translation), the title of the book in Persian, (Translator's first name and surname), Place of publication: Publisher.
- Article: author’s surname, first name (date of publication), the title of the article, journal name, volume number, issue number, month, year, and page numbers.
- Internet Resources: author’s surname, first name, the title of the article, [full date of publication], [mentioning online], > full internet address of the resource < [full date of access to the article].
- In-text citation in the APA style (author's surname, year: page). Avoid writing Latin resources in Persian in the text. Example: (Megginson, 2001: 8)
One of the requirements for accepting the article is using new Persian and English resources. (At least 70% of the resources should be related to the past 5 years from reputable journals).
3. Other Tips:
- The article submitted for publication in this journal should have a research or educational aspect and align with the aims of the journal.
- The article is the result of the author(s)'s studies and has not been published or presented in reputable journals and national conferences.
- The article should be typed in Word Software 2010 (Text font BNazanin 13, Title font Titr 16, margins: 3.5 from the top, 3.5 from the bottom, 4.6 from left, 4.5 from right) in Max. 20 pages and sent to the journal website ( with a Latin abstract. Moreover, articles appendixes, such as tables, charts, photographs, etc., should be provided with optimal quality.
- The Persian equivalent of the Latin words should be used in the text of the article. If the Persian equivalent is not sufficiently expressive, the Latin word should be mentioned in the footnote.
After the final confirmation of the article, authors must pay 1,000,000 Rials for arbitration costs and 3,000,000 Rials for printing expenses (totally 4,000,000 Rials) to account number 2177362604004 with a deposit number of 00114500000000020 for University of Sistan and Baluchestan in Bank Melli Iran.
The date of payment will be communicated to the author by the journal office. Please do not pay a fee before acceptance.