Analysis of the Authentic Leadership Identity Indicators for Human Resource Improvement Using the Interpretative Ranking Process Approach (IRP)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran

3 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Management, Lorestan University- Khorramabad-Iran


The present research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the authentic leadership Identity Indicators in order to human resources improvement using Interpretative Ranking Process (IRP) approach. This research is an inductive deduction study that two qualitative and quantitative research approaches are used according to the type of data and conditions. The statistical population is 25 professors in the human resources field at the Faculty of Management, Tehran's state universities, who selected using purposive sampling. To confirm the validity, the questionnaire was distributed among experts and they were approved. Reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was equal to 0.79. According to results authentic leadership identity Indicators are: self-awareness, self-efficacy, self-affirmation, self-affiliation, leadership self-efficacy, leadership fame, leadership modeling, self-esteem and self-actualization. In addition, the components of human resource improvement are scientific knowledge promotion, meritocracy, the existence of talent management in the organization, the development of work skills, enhancement of staff capabilities, updating employee information, employee participation, personality development Coordinated in the staff, the existence of a performance-based reward system, organizational support, enrichment and business development, and the existence of an organizational climate. Also the results indicate that authentic leadership self-esteem improves human resources by helping to develop the personality of the staff and creating a talent management system.
The improvement of human resources, as a key, fundamental, and an essential, issue is one of the most urgent steps in organizations and in the field of human resource management. It is impossible to achieve the goals of development, construction, and establishing a proper condition for a supreme organizational life, unless there is a growth, enhancement, and improvement of human resources in all areas of the organization. Nowadays, all organizations make a claim that human capital is their prominent asset, since it is obvious to everyone that man is the main cause of improvement and the only one who shoulders the responsibility for development. The process of development and improvement, without the human participation, will be unavailing as human beings are both the goal and the means of achieving development and improvement. The necessity and importance of human resource development lies in the fact that efficient, skilled, and capable human resource is the prime booster and driving force for any organization. For the human capital to be efficient, competent and capable human resources, the fundamental solution is to employ human resource improvement programs. Using human resources improvement programs, people can effectively continue their activities and increase their productivity according to organizational changes and the environment. It was not only a few years ago that has considering the improvement of human resources been noticed under the scope of management of organizations and companies which in turn leads to paying attention to the management of human resources in this regard. Nonetheless, throughout the world, this process has long been applied to other countries and organizations. Today, successful organizations are those that make use of knowledge forces to take a step in creating values and strategies, as well as treasure the human resources and its improvement as the most precious values in the organization. Human resources are the most valuable factor of production, the most important capital, the main source for the competitive advantage, and the generator of the fundamental capabilities of any organization.
Case Study
Faculties of Management at Tehran State Universities.
Materials and Methods
This research employed a combination of interviews and a questionnaire to analyze the indicators of authentic leadership in order to improve human resources; therefore, this study is a deductive-inductive type of research.  This study enjoys both qualitative and quantitative research approaches in line with the data and conditions. At the outset, through employing the qualitative data obtained from exploratory studies, including the investigation of exploratory texts, human resource improvement and authentic leadership identity indicators are acknowledged. After identifying the indicators, the IRP (Interpretative Ranking Process Approach) questionnaire is provided. The questionnaires were distributed among 25 Lecturers in the field of human resources at the Faculties of Management at Tehran State Universities. Experts' opinions were used to confirm the validity of the questionnaires. Also, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was utilized to confirm the reliability of the questionnaires. In keeping with the research goal, purposive sampling was employed.
Results and Discussion
Having done exploratory studies on the authentic leadership identity, a number of indicators such as self-awareness, self-efficacy, self-loving, self-solidarity, leadership self-efficacy, leadership fame, leadership modeling, self-disclosure, self-esteem and self-sacrificing, were acknowledged; as with the human resource improvement, such components as establishing scientific awareness and the promotion of the employee knowledge, meritocracy, talent management in the organization, development of work skills, promoting the staffs’ capabilities, updating the employees’  information, employees’ participation, harmonious personality promotion in the employees, the existence of a performance-based reward system, organizational support, enrichment and the development of businesses, and the existence of an appropriate organizational atmosphere were identified. The results revealed that the most effective impact on human resource improvement could be attributed to authentic leadership self-efficacy. Moreover, the second place belonged to the authentic leadership modeling. Self-sacrifice, self-esteem and self-awareness were also held the fourth to sixth positions, respectively, in terms of improving human resources.
Concerning the development of human resources, the important point is that the development and improvement of human resources demands a driving force that improves their performance through the induction of psychological capacities. This force is but the authentic leadership. Therefore, the present study, which was an attempt to analyze the authentic leadership identity indicators in order to improve human resources, employed the interpretative ranking process approach. The results of the research consisted of identifying the indicators of authentic leadership identity and improving human resources and analyzing the domination of original identity indicators on human resource improvement. The aauthentic leadership identity indicators include self-awareness, self-efficacy, self-loving, self-solidarity, leadership self-efficacy, leadership fame, leadership modeling, self-disclosure, self-esteem and self-sacrificing. Furthermore, such the components as establishing scientific awareness and the promotion of the employee knowledge, meritocracy, talent management in the organization, development of work skills, promoting the staffs’ capabilities, updating the employees’  information, employees’ participation, harmonious personality promotion in the employees, the existence of a performance-based reward system, organizational support, enrichment and the development of businesses, and the existence of an appropriate organizational atmosphere constitute human resource improvement. It should be mentioned that the most effective factor affecting human resource improvement is the authentic leadership self-efficacy. Moreover, the authentic leadership modeling captures the second place. Self-sacrifice, self-esteem and self-awareness are also ranked as the fourth to sixth most important ones, in terms of improving human resources.


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