Author = Arian Gholipour
Validation of Dimensions and Component of Risk Culture: Using Fuzzy Delphi Method

Volume 11, Issue 42, March 2019, Pages 5-31


Abolhasan Faghihi; Aryan Gholipour; Mohammad Abooyee Ardakan; Hasan Ghalibaf Asl; Asghar Asadi

Development and Construct Validation of Performance Management of Human Resources in Line with Organization Objectives

Volume 11, Issue 39, May 2018, Pages 33-59


Shapoor Sherafat; Ahmad Ali Khaef Elahi; Arian Gholipour; Hasan Danaei Fard

Designing Career Adaptability Model(Case study: Shazand Petrochemical Company)

Volume 10, Issue 36, September 2017, Pages 31-62


Seyed Reza Seyed Javadin; Tahmours Hasan Gholipour; Aryan Gholipour; Abbas Ali Haji Karimi; Fateme Karimi Jafari

Human Resource Risk Management: Mix method Application

Volume 9, Issue 32, September 2016, Pages 73-96


Ariyan Gholipour; Elham Ebrahimi